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Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 1, 2016

A Beginner’s Guide to Dota 2 – Part Five: Playing Support

Hello. I’m still Tim McDonald, I’m still enjoying Dota a pair of, and this can be still the Beginner’s Guide to Dota a pair of.

Funny thing: the additional I play Dota a pair of, the additional I realise I’m terrible at it. And yes, that’s AN exaggeration, however not a giant one.

I think there’s truly a degree of progression thereupon. after you come out, you’re a newcomer and you recognize you’re pretty rubbish. after you reach a definite purpose (maybe around 200-300 hours, though it’s additional “skill” than “time”) you’ll begin to assume you’re truly pretty smart. You’ll be creating calls, and shouting at individuals, and speculative why you retain obtaining matched up with idiots. Then you play additional and realise specifically what proportion you continue to have to be compelled to learn.

But I’m not here to speak this. I’m here to speak regarding the support role, each as a result of it’s implausibly necessary, and since I’ve seen tons and plenty of individuals doing it terribly, very badly.

So what's a support, anyway?

Oh good, you’re back.

A Beginner’s Guide to Dota 2 – Part Five: Playing Support


Hello. A support is, generally, a hero UN agency doesn’t want cash to be helpful. Being that Dota 2‘s classifications area unit insanely nebulous, that’s not specifically right, however it’s a decent rule of thumb. it'd even be that they’re really expert at care people in lane, in order that your own carries – UN agency do want gold – will farm up to huge things without concern regarding obtaining harried and destroyed, and then on and then forth. or even they'll be improbably aggressive early in order that the enemy carry can’t sit in lane, more or less that your own carry will get a number of kills. Etc. It’s not the foremost glamourous role and you’re extremely unlikely to be the sport winner unless you’re one amongst the rare supports with a game-breaking teamfight final (Disruptor, for instance), however it’s a vital role withal.

The issue of this can be 2 things: foremost, a support laning with somebody UN agency will want gold implies that the latter will take all of the gold within the lane. Secondly, as a result of the support doesn’t really want gold, they'll pay what very little they are doing get on things that profit the total team. That’s why supports tend to select up Mekansm, Wards, and – after all – the messenger.

So do supports ever want gold?

Sometimes. There area unit plenty of things that area unit helpful on supports, however they’re typically secondary to the large things like terrorist organization, Pipe, or Wards. plenty of supports can select a Force workers, in order that they need some further mana and slightly additional quality. Others, UN agency have sturdy disabling talents (like Shadow priest with Hex and Shackle, each of may} lock down opponents) might devour a Blink Dagger in order that they'll leap into a fight and shut somebody down instantly. If they’re obtaining rather well farmed, then they may spring for a Scythe of Vyse or one thing of the type. You’re simply unlikely to visualize them obtaining things for right-click harm, very – they’re centered additional on utility than anything.

And yet, despite this, you’d argue that they’re important?

A Beginner’s Guide to Dota 2 – Part Five: Playing Support

Play supports well, and generally your team can truly appreciate you, like this! simply not fairly often.

Why? Why not simply take an additional carry UN agency will beat the hell out of AN enemy?

For one issue, as a result of there’s a restricted quantity of gold. If you have got 2 carries in an exceedingly lane, then each of them are fighting for cash, which suggests neither of them can get the shitloads of money they really want to be really effective. for one more issue, supports don’t want the gold as a result of they need talents that area unit very helpful at any purpose in time – as mentioned on top of, these guys and ladies tend to possess plenty of utility. Lion has a vicinity stun, a single-target internment, the power to empty mana, and one amongst the foremost fatal ultimates within the entire game. Crystal Maiden will slow individuals and lock them in situ whereas create the mana of her entire team. Dazzle heals up his team, will create them quickly untouchable, and may will increase the armour of all allies in an exceedingly neck of the woods whereas decreasing the armour of all enemies. they're terribly helpful.

So why not simply go along with a team of 5 supports, then?

Well, you in theory will. I mean, I’ve won games like that before, ANd with the proper line-up it will provide you with an awful heap of early game presence. the matter is that early game presence is largely all it provides you; if you haven’t all over the sport among around 20-25 minutes then your opponents area unit attending to begin obtaining Black King Bars and different huge things, and suddenly you simply can’t fight them toe-to-toe any longer.

Supports area unit dangerous, except for the foremost half – and excluding those like Windranger and Lina, UN agency will simply go into a semi-carry role – they’re centered on utility, not outright combat. Lion can be ready to kill nearly anyone along with his final and his stun, however he will kill specifically one person with it, and so he’s ought to wait for a while. If they need quite one person capable of killing him and he’s got no backup in terms of, say, a well-farmed carry, he’s attending to die. If AN enemy features a BKB, all Lion will very do is tickle him with auto-attacks. Etc.

And before seventeen of you jump into the comments to inform ME I’m wrong, I’ll signifies that I’m generalising. If I talked regarding each single exception to those generalisations, this may take ME a really, terribly long term.

A Beginner’s Guide to Dota 2 – Part Five: Playing Support

So however does one truly play a support, then?

There area unit 3 stuff you ought to bear in mind. First, purchase the messenger. Second, buy Wards. Third, keep your team alive.

How the hell area unit individuals doing that badly? That sounds ludicrously straightforward.

Well, let’s take them so as.

Oh no. this can be attending to be a wall of text, isn’t it?

Er. Maybe?

I’m sighing inside. Okay, so: shopping for the messenger. however will that go wrong?

I’m unsure it’s sighing inside if you tell ME regarding it.

A Beginner’s Guide to Dota 2 – Part Five: Playing Support

Anyway: typically, shopping for the messenger isn’t a problem; if you’ve got a minimum of one support, they’ll nearly actually do that unless they're terrible at their role. Upgrading the messenger, however, can be. Since a recent patch, the Flying messenger is fastened till the sport hits 3 minutes, and it’s only too common for the supports to forget this and not truly upgrade it for for a while. Considering however necessary the messenger is for middle – including the opposite lanes – this can be a retardant.

As such: if you’re enjoying support, keep an eye fixed on the timer. Unless you’re mistreatment your cash for one thing much more necessary that’s imperative for your lane survival (which is possible; against a significant harass lane, early boots or wand can be additional necessary if you'll purchase them right then and there) then purchase the Flying messenger as before long as you'll. Please. everybody else can love you for it. If it gets to twelve minutes and therefore the messenger still can’t fly, you’re doing all of your job wrong.

So what regarding Wards?

This can be an extended one.


There area unit 2 kinds of Wards – Observer Wards and watcher Wards. Observer Wards offer vision around a vicinity of the map. watcher Wards offer no vision, however if you'll see that space, then they’ll reveal something invisible lurking there. Like, say, the opposing team’s Wards. Or Riki.

If you’re a support, then listen closely: Observer Wards area unit in all probability the only most significant item within the game.

A Beginner’s Guide to Dota 2 – Part Five: Playing Support

That appears like figure.

It is, however i actually, very cannot stress enough however insanely necessary they're. Early on, they’re helpful for marking out wherever the watercourse runes have spawned (which is useful for your middle, notably if they’ve bought Bottle) and for providing you with advance warning of ganks. soon they offer you vision of the map, which suggests that you simply will see wherever the enemy heroes area unit – or, at the terribly least, wherever they aren’t.

Let’s take 3 examples. If you’re winning and you have got map management, then you'll plonk some Observer Wards down within the enemy jungle and therefore the outskirts of their base, and you’ll be ready to see them whenever they struggle to try and do something. If they need a tough carry like intellectual and he sneaks into the jungle to undertake and farm up, then you’ll understand it and you'll go and kill him. you'll create the enemy afraid to go away their base, and keep your advantage secure.

If the sport is pretty even, then Wards round the watercourse – and maybe one or 2 slightly approach into enemy territory, or slightly approach into yours – offer security. If the enemy is coming back to gank a lane or is getting ready to vagabond into your jungle, you'll see them coming back and either muster a defence or get the hell out of there. Equally, if you have got Wards up, then perhaps you'll spot a lone hero and take him out.

If you’re losing, then defensive Wards (Wards placed in your own jungle and territory) area unit king. Firstly, you'll see if the enemy is massing forces to come back and hit one amongst your towers. Secondly, your carries will safely farm the jungle whenever the enemy isn’t there; if a foe wanders into the jungle, same carry will then run back to safety.

In short: vision provides you info. It permits you to decide once to interact in battle and once to avoid it; it permits you to apprehend what’s coming back and keeps you safe, and permits you to harass the under-warded. Observer Wards last seven minutes, and are available in sets of 2, with 2 sets of 2 being the most quantity your store will carry. on it note, it takes six minutes for the shop to spawn another set.

In short, if your store has 2 sets of Wards in it, your supports aren’t paying enough attention.

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